Exotic ice cream creations from Dresden.
If Europeans think of tasty ice cream they mostly have the Italian classics in mind. One or two scoops in a cone and happiness is guaranteed for big and small ice cream lovers. However, ice cream is often prepared by factories and you rarely find home-made ice cream. Most of the time you get the typical flavours like chocolate, vanilla or strawberry. This won’t be the norm anymore! Thanks to Mexican Armando Reyes Prado and his Spanish wife Vanessa, who live in Dresden and have a special concept that differs from the classical ice cream offer. Inspired by the typical fruity Mexican ice cream they pep up the ice cream business of Dresden. The new and refreshing delight is called PauPau. In their own ice cream manufactory, the young couple is producing ice cream made from natural ingredients and surprises since 2012 with exotic and interesting combinations. In our interview they explained us from where they take their inspiration for their crazy ice cream combinations.

How did you come up with the idea of producing ice cream on your own?
Who taught you how to produce ice cream?

What exactly means PauPau?
Armando: It is the only tropical tree which is able to survive temperatures of minus 20 degrees. You could almost plant it in Germany. We have been thinking about our brands´ name for a long time. It took us more than half a year to create our concept, our philosophy and the logo. PauPau exactly mirrors what we are. Two tropical plants who started rooting in Germany.
Which sorts of ice cream do you offer?
Armando: Altogether we offer ten different sorts of ice cream. We change our range three times a year. Right now we offer a lot of summery flavours and prepare ice cream with acai and banana for example. Acai is a fruit from Brazil. What is brand new too is a sorbet made of cucumber and lemon. One of the most popular sorts of our ice creams is semolina-cinnamon. Some customers say that it evokes the feeling of childhood. In our manufactory we do only use natural ingredients. Our philosophy is that our ice cream is as natural as possible. We try to use not too much sugar. We want that our guest instantly notice what is inside. We want a pure and natural taste.
Why did you move to Dresden?

Which ice cream combinations will follow?
Vanessa: We are planning to produce even healthier ice cream with so called “super-food” like chia seeds or goji berries. But there is also an ice cream in our minds that contains avocado.
Where do you sell your ice cream?
Armando: We supply different cafés, restaurants and small shops in Dresden and the region. There are also some customers from Görlitz and Berlin, who sell PauPau. In Leipzig there is a shop which is interested in our ice cream as well. And what is best: In October our dream come true and we open our own shop at the Schießhaus 12 in Dresden!
Craving some Ice Cream? Learn more!
All photos ©Kai Bergmann