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Saxony puts it excellent and forward-looking economic landscape on the big stage.


In the spotlight are Saxony’s start-ups and hidden champions, or as we call them: The Realizers. People and businesses who either seek to explore new territory, or are already top of the class in their respective fields but still flying under the Free State’s radar.

Simply saxony!

DID YOU KNOW?73 % market-ready innovations

73 percent of all Saxonian companies from the fields of electrical industry, instrument technology, and mechanical or vehicle engineering successfully put their innovations on the market. We are the nation’s leader once again.

DID YOU KNOW?1.6 times more third-party funds

Saxony’s professors acquire 1.6 times more third-party funds than scientists at universities in other states.

DID YOU KNOW?80.7 % foreign language classes

80.7 percent of vocational students in Saxony are taking foreign language classes. The national average is only at 35.3 percent. International companies are greeted by multilingual professionals here. Welcome to Saxony’s economy! Vítejte v saské ekonomice. 欢迎来到撒克逊经济.

DID YOU KNOW?18 % patent registrations from research

18 percent of all patent registrations in Saxony are coming from research. A number much higher than the national average.