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What do you associate with your home region of Saxony?

Family, friends, diversity. I never used to think much about whether I was comfortable here or wanted to move away. But the more I travel, the more I appreciate where I come from and my own little world here. Especially over the past two years, during the pandemic, I’ve been enjoying rediscovering Saxony for myself.

How do people react when you’re traveling internationally and you tell them you’re from Saxony?

Most people don’t really know much about it. They haven’t heard of Saxony or Dresden before. So I just tell them it’s about an hour and a half southeast of Berlin. Then they have an idea where it is. But when I show them pictures, their eyes get big.

What’s your favorite Saxon food?

Definitely Dresdner Eierschecke, a local favorite pastry.

How important is it to you to stand up for Saxony?

Very important, these days. To me, Dresden, and Saxony in general, is much more than the media make it out to be. It’s much more open and diverse. That’s one of the reasons we decided to have my last album release party in Dresden in October 2021. We invited fans and winners from all over Europe to spend a weekend in my hometown. There was a city tour, local food, and then we finished it all with a party where I presented my album. Everyone was just thrilled, especially by the Baroque art and architecture in Dresden.

Where will you be performing in 2022? What are your upcoming projects?

After releasing my second album, Exotica, last year, I’m looking forward to finally going back on tour and playing my new songs live. My highlights for 2022 will definitely be Coachella in April, Tomorrowland in July, and another season in Ibiza. But I’ll also be playing some shows in Saxony here and there. I just can’t tell you more yet.